Using fire to heat your home is a traditional approach to home heating and can reward you with lasting heat that doesn't cost a lot in energy costs to use. Wood stoves and fireplaces use wood and other natural materials to heat your home, and gas stoves and fireplaces use natural gas to heat the home. Natural gas is purchased like electricity is, through a natural gas company.

There are benefits to both kinds of stoves and fireplaces, and it's up to you to decide whether you want a stove or fireplace for your home, and then which heat source type you want to use. Your fireplace and stove specialist can help you choose, and you can use this guide to help you out as well. Look for Blaze King stove sales and other types of fireplace and stove sales to make your purchase easier and more cost-effective.

Wood or gas

If you use wood for your fireplace or stove, it's up to you to keep your woodpile stocked up. You can chop your own wood to save on costs, or you can buy wood by the cord. If you want the natural crackling and smell of a wood fire, then a wood stove or fireplace is right for you. You also save money on not having to pay for natural gas, which can be a benefit so long as you have access to seasoned wood year-round.

If you want to be able to light a fire instantly and not have to worry about chopping wood or wonder where your heat source is going to be year by year, then a natural gas stove or fireplace is right for you. So long as you pay your natural gas bill, you'll have access to natural gas anytime you want to light a fire, and you won't have to wait for logs to catch to enjoy a bright and engaging blaze.

Stove or fireplace

Blaze King stove sales and other brands of heating units for sale will reveal that you have several options for heating your home. If you want an insert heating source for your home so you have that classic fireplace and mantle look, then a fireplace is best for your needs.

If you want a classic rustic heating unit, then a stove might meet your needs. Both options should be professionally installed once purchased to ensure safe and effective heating, whether you use gas or wood in your home to keep it warm. 
