Radon is a very dangerous invisible gas that needs to be eliminated from your home. Long-term exposure to radon can increase your risk of lung cancer. Fortunately, there are residential radon mitigation systems you can install that will protect your home. But you will want to make sure that the system is installed correctly. 

1. Seal Your Cracks

Radon mitigation begins with testing your home radon levels. If they are not very high, you might simply want to seal any cracks in your home and this might be enough to stop the infiltration of radon gas.

Even if you do need to install a radon mitigation system, the system will be more effective when you seal any cracks you can find. You can seal small cracks with caulk and seal larger cracks with hydraulic cement.

2. Know Where to Install the Fan

To eliminate radon, you must install a radon mitigation fan. However, do not install it in or below your living space. For example, you might have a crack in your basement that allows radon to enter. Installing a fan in the basement will create a suction force that can bring more radon into your home and make the problem worse.

3. Size Your Fan Correctly

It's very difficult to size the radon fan correctly. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with installing a fan that is more powerful than necessary other than the higher cost of the larger fan. However, if you install a fan that is too small, your home will still have problems with radon. 

4. Install Durable Vent Pipes

To vent your home of radon gases, you must use vent pipes. These pipes need to be thick and durable because thin pipes made out of cheap materials can become punctured and will allow radon gases to escape. Make sure to use PVC pipes.

5. Install Your Vent Pipe Horizontally

Never add a rain cape to the exhaust pipe. This will block the free flow of gases out of your mitigation system. The EPA also forbids the use of rain capes. A better way to protect the pipe from rain is to install it horizontally and away from your home.

6. Hire Professionals

A professional residential property radon mitigation system installation will ensure that your property doesn't have a radon problem. They will make sure that your mitigation system follows EPA codes and that your home will pass a home inspection. Your family will also be protected from the harmful effects of radon.

To learn more about residential radon mitigation systems, reach out to a service provider in your area.
